Notification about this website copyright ownership
Copyrights to this website and all the materials placed on the web pages of this resource (including and not limited to information, texts, comments, articles, photos, drawings, graphical objects, screen-shots, scans, video, audio materials, computer code, other materials that are posted on this website) belong to PSE “Lotos”, unless otherwise specified.
All rights reserved. Use of the website and all materials posted on this website in any form and/or by any means without the prior written permission of PSE “Lotos” is prohibited.
Use should be understood as copying, adaptation, rewriting, modification, automatic and/or systematic collection of data from this site, etc.
How to obtain permission
In order to obtain permission from PSE “Lotos” to use the website and all the materials posted on the web pages of this resource, one can send an e-mail request to the Organizational Department: [email protected]
Terms and conditions of use
By using this website, you irrevocably and unconditionally agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use of intellectual property and refrain from taking any action to the detriment of the interests and/or rights of PSE “Lotos” and third parties.
All words, symbols and graphics of the word, names, including own names, letters, figures, graphic elements, colours and combinations of colours, as well as any combination of such designations may be trademarks or registered trademarks for goods and services, belong to their owners and are protected in accordance with the legislation governing the relations arising in connection with the acquisition and implementation of ownership of trademarks for goods and services in Ukraine.
Without permission, PSE “Lotos” grants you a non-exclusive, royalty-free revocable license for personal, non-commercial use only to:
- view the materials on this website;
- copy and save the materials contained in this website into the cache of your browser;
- print pages from this website.
Our company does not grant any other rights with respect to our website or the materials on this website. All rights reserved.
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The advertiser is responsible for the content of advertisements placed on the web pages, their accuracy and compliance with the law.
For the avoidance of further misunderstandings and any adverse legal consequences for you, we emphasize that you have no right to adapt, edit, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, retransmit, use in public displays or performances this website or materials that are posted on this website (in any form or in any media), without prior written permission from PSE “Lotos”.
In addition, we draw the attention of media representatives to the fact that according to part 2 of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Information”, the realization of the right to information by citizens, legal entities and the state should not violate public, political, economic, social, spiritual, environmental and other rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other citizens, rights and interests of legal entities. The facts that are submitted to the user by the mass media editorial offices must correspond exactly to the actual events or data. Any statements in the media should be quoted or retold without distorting the original content. Media content should be comprehensive, not fragmented.
If our company detects cases when the copyrighted materials are used in violation of the above license, PSE “Lotos” has the right to sue for damages and obtain injunctive relief for your use of these materials. In the event of corruption or distortion of the information, or the distribution of inaccurate or incomplete information, such information is subject to refutation in the manner in which it was distributed. The materials of mass media editorial offices should not contain any vocabulary of evaluative value.
If you find that our web page contains material that may infringe upon your copyright, please inform us of such an event by sending the information by e-mail to the Organizational Department: [email protected]